Saturday, July 5, 2014

She loves him, he beats her

#Day 8 at blue mango films

So I was not able to keep my blog regular, sorry for that. I dont have many people reading it, but whoever does thank you so much. It makes my day.
Anyways I am free right now and thought of sharing some thoughts.
Yesterday when I reached home and was sitting with my father and brother I came to know some terrible news. The story made me furious and sad at the same time. Here it goes-

So, my dad turned to me and said, "I saw your brother very angry today, for the first time."
Not surprised I turned to him, what happened now?
He said, "you dont know what happened today?"
I said obviously not I was out of the house the whole day.
What he told me next still make me shudder

My house worker's little girl came rushing towards our home as they live right around the corner from my house. She lives with her eight kids and a husband in a small room. Her child was scared and said to my father that her dad was beating her mother.
Shocked my dad rushed to their room with my brother.
He was shocked to find her husband drunk, and beating his wife.
Furiously my dad stopped him saying what the hell he was doing.
My dad just told me a gist by saying I shouted at him and asked him to stop hitting her.
What he said next was something that almost made me cry, he said these people live a life like this.
Reena the woman who was beaten by her husband had to live this fate as they have no where to go. With eight children she has to work with so much weakness.
Domestic violence. What is with men drinking and beating woman. You think it makes you masculine or stronger? You think you have some kind of bloody powers and you have the right to show it? No? You are that piece of crap that nobody wants and the only person who respects you is your wife.

You men act so stupidly sometimes. I dont think there is a real man out there who respects woman and doesnt think of her as her property. You dont even have the brains to realize the person you are beating is your wife, your soul mate, she trust you blindly and gives her everything to you and all you do is treat her like this. Instead you should be thanking her for accepting a person as unwanted as you in her life. You are that unwanted plant (not weed) that everybody chucks off because you only make the place look ugly. You have no life all you do is drink, abuse and beat your wife.
People like you should be sent to a place where you are tortured and you stay alone because you are unwanted.
You know this truth and this is the reason you take out that frustration, because you never achieved anything in life. Your wife works her ass off to provide her children and you, but all you do is drink that beat that life supporter of your family.
When we talk about women empowerment people make a face saying ugh not again, why are they always bringing that topic. You see why, you gutless piece of crap, you are not even a man, and you should die a heartless death.

There are so many who talk about feminism and crap saying we ll do this for woman we ll do that for woman and these are the only people who when the curtains are shed beat their wives, molest girls.

Fed up is all I can say. Fed up of your looking, teasing or beating us. You are nothing, you think we are dependent on you, no its you who are dependent on us.

I still look at Reena and want to hug her and say leave that bastard, live your life, but she just keeps quiet doing her regular chores, her only support in life are her children.
I dont pity Reena I respect that woman from all my heart, she is an example of a strong woman, but doing nothing when something bad is happening to you is equally a crime.
You will be thinking why is she writing about it and not doing anything, once when we intervened she only said to leave it alone. We can not force, but how can we see her like this? How can she see herself like this?
What morals will her kids learn from his useless, bastard father?
I only shiver thinking about all this.
I will try to persuade her to stand up for herself.
Because if she does nothing her little daughters will go the same way and then too she wont be able to do anything.

Pray dear friends that she is all right, and stands up for herself.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

the wikipedia fever

#Day 4 at Blue mango films

I reached office exactly at 10 thinking maybe I will get some work finally. After sitting about one hour doing nothing I was briefed about a recent project and was told the meeting will be held after the lunch where all the ideas will be discussed. Excited I pen down all my ideas and was happy asking god to make me confident enough to say them out loud.

After sitting for three hours and doing nothing and then going for lunch I was excited for the coming meeting but to my amazement it never happened and still waiting for it. I was the only free person in the office, even the other intern was busy with some work. So instead of looking at the infinite space I though of googling some famous personalities and from there my day took an unexpected turn.

The first person I googled was Charlotte Bronte now I had this urge to google and read about her and that was my quest for thirst of knowledge. haha no kidding.
Anyways you all must be aware of the famous classic writer Charlotte Bronte, the woman who wrote Jane Eyre. After reading about her I clicked on the name of her husband who was Arthur Bell Nicholls I had no idea about his life and was staring at the words as if reading something for the first time.
I was so engrossed in them I didnt realize my seniors walking by my chair to go out for a smoke.
From a classic writer I suddenly switched to the sex icon Marilyn Monroe I read about her page by page and word by word, absorbing every little detail that came before my eyes. She was indeed a beauty.
The next person on my list was Marlon Brando one of the finest actor who had an affair with Marilyn.

The next person is one of my favourite actress Elizabeth Taylor, whose cleopatra won everybody's heart. She impressed me through my brain to my veins and I was fascinated by her. I was still scrolling the page when I saw that name, the woman who made me shiver and made me want to be like her (only the good part) and she was Zelda Fitzgerald the famous author F. Scott Fitzgerald's wife (who I adore and read about as well), both of them lived a life who everyone was interested in and who everyone wanted to be, but outside the life is very different from what goes inside. I was struck with their dramatic life.
How fame, jealousy and the urge to be better than your spouse make your life crazy.
I remembered the scenes from midnight at Paris and wished I could go back in time and be with these personalities who lived such mixed lives.
I then started reading about the lost generation and remembered a small conversation I had with a friend, back then I didnt know about it and found it highly fascinating.
And if I read about the lost generation then how can I not read about the woman who created it Gertude Stein and the man himself Ernest Hemingway. It is really crazy how one can loose themselves in the life of others and forget themselves midst all of this.
I then switched to Cleopatra who I dont think needs any introduction. From Cleopatra to William Shakespeare to Aristotle. It is so surprising that the people you have always been reading or learning about are so little known to you.
I felt like a child learning her first sentence.
There were some more names like Mark Twain, Isadora Duncan, Jose Robles
While absorbing all that in I started this blog and thought of sharing it.
This was like an adventure which took me to an untold adventure and trust me it was amazing.

Sometimes its good you get free time, you can take out a book or read about some people who made a difference to the world.

Monday, June 30, 2014

The second half

#day 3 of internship at blue mango films

Yes, I am an intern at blue mango films, one of the well known corporate film agency and I sit in my cabin and type on their laptop. It is such an amazing feeling working here because I have met some of the most amazing people here. My seniors are the coolest people I have ever come across. It feels as if I am in a good and happy trance.
I am sitting alone right now all the others working and so I thought let me start my blogging.

It is very rare when people make me comfortable enough in a place. I am not an introvert its just I dont talk unnecessary things. I find it better to listen and speak when I have something useful to say. This is the only place where I see sensible people, who knows what to talk.

We all went out for drinks the other day it was pretty nice, things like that make you forget all the bullshit that is surrounding you. New people, new place, it feels so good.

I am done with my work today and thought of reading this book called the bridges of madison county by Robert james waller, one of my aunt's favourite book. After reading I am in a poetic stale, because the things written here were so intense one could just melt reading them.
I was kidding but yea after a long time it felt as if good romantic books do exist which go beyond the concept of sex and vulgarity, where false things are rooted deep down.

Anyways I am just waiting for the clock to struck six so that I can go home and sleep. I was also going through some of my blogs and realized how obnoxious I might sound to my readers, and I would like to apologize for that, trying to work on it.

My office looks really  beautiful and on the third day itself I feel so comfortable. This place makes me happy, my life becomes so happy.
This is the second half part of my college life and the last year as well, because after that I will be living some other life again. Its the same feeling I felt while I was graduating high school, well I am feeling more happy as I am graduating my undergraduate college.
Till then I am waiting for opportunities like these to pounce upon me