Monday, June 30, 2014

The second half

#day 3 of internship at blue mango films

Yes, I am an intern at blue mango films, one of the well known corporate film agency and I sit in my cabin and type on their laptop. It is such an amazing feeling working here because I have met some of the most amazing people here. My seniors are the coolest people I have ever come across. It feels as if I am in a good and happy trance.
I am sitting alone right now all the others working and so I thought let me start my blogging.

It is very rare when people make me comfortable enough in a place. I am not an introvert its just I dont talk unnecessary things. I find it better to listen and speak when I have something useful to say. This is the only place where I see sensible people, who knows what to talk.

We all went out for drinks the other day it was pretty nice, things like that make you forget all the bullshit that is surrounding you. New people, new place, it feels so good.

I am done with my work today and thought of reading this book called the bridges of madison county by Robert james waller, one of my aunt's favourite book. After reading I am in a poetic stale, because the things written here were so intense one could just melt reading them.
I was kidding but yea after a long time it felt as if good romantic books do exist which go beyond the concept of sex and vulgarity, where false things are rooted deep down.

Anyways I am just waiting for the clock to struck six so that I can go home and sleep. I was also going through some of my blogs and realized how obnoxious I might sound to my readers, and I would like to apologize for that, trying to work on it.

My office looks really  beautiful and on the third day itself I feel so comfortable. This place makes me happy, my life becomes so happy.
This is the second half part of my college life and the last year as well, because after that I will be living some other life again. Its the same feeling I felt while I was graduating high school, well I am feeling more happy as I am graduating my undergraduate college.
Till then I am waiting for opportunities like these to pounce upon me

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