Saturday, July 5, 2014

She loves him, he beats her

#Day 8 at blue mango films

So I was not able to keep my blog regular, sorry for that. I dont have many people reading it, but whoever does thank you so much. It makes my day.
Anyways I am free right now and thought of sharing some thoughts.
Yesterday when I reached home and was sitting with my father and brother I came to know some terrible news. The story made me furious and sad at the same time. Here it goes-

So, my dad turned to me and said, "I saw your brother very angry today, for the first time."
Not surprised I turned to him, what happened now?
He said, "you dont know what happened today?"
I said obviously not I was out of the house the whole day.
What he told me next still make me shudder

My house worker's little girl came rushing towards our home as they live right around the corner from my house. She lives with her eight kids and a husband in a small room. Her child was scared and said to my father that her dad was beating her mother.
Shocked my dad rushed to their room with my brother.
He was shocked to find her husband drunk, and beating his wife.
Furiously my dad stopped him saying what the hell he was doing.
My dad just told me a gist by saying I shouted at him and asked him to stop hitting her.
What he said next was something that almost made me cry, he said these people live a life like this.
Reena the woman who was beaten by her husband had to live this fate as they have no where to go. With eight children she has to work with so much weakness.
Domestic violence. What is with men drinking and beating woman. You think it makes you masculine or stronger? You think you have some kind of bloody powers and you have the right to show it? No? You are that piece of crap that nobody wants and the only person who respects you is your wife.

You men act so stupidly sometimes. I dont think there is a real man out there who respects woman and doesnt think of her as her property. You dont even have the brains to realize the person you are beating is your wife, your soul mate, she trust you blindly and gives her everything to you and all you do is treat her like this. Instead you should be thanking her for accepting a person as unwanted as you in her life. You are that unwanted plant (not weed) that everybody chucks off because you only make the place look ugly. You have no life all you do is drink, abuse and beat your wife.
People like you should be sent to a place where you are tortured and you stay alone because you are unwanted.
You know this truth and this is the reason you take out that frustration, because you never achieved anything in life. Your wife works her ass off to provide her children and you, but all you do is drink that beat that life supporter of your family.
When we talk about women empowerment people make a face saying ugh not again, why are they always bringing that topic. You see why, you gutless piece of crap, you are not even a man, and you should die a heartless death.

There are so many who talk about feminism and crap saying we ll do this for woman we ll do that for woman and these are the only people who when the curtains are shed beat their wives, molest girls.

Fed up is all I can say. Fed up of your looking, teasing or beating us. You are nothing, you think we are dependent on you, no its you who are dependent on us.

I still look at Reena and want to hug her and say leave that bastard, live your life, but she just keeps quiet doing her regular chores, her only support in life are her children.
I dont pity Reena I respect that woman from all my heart, she is an example of a strong woman, but doing nothing when something bad is happening to you is equally a crime.
You will be thinking why is she writing about it and not doing anything, once when we intervened she only said to leave it alone. We can not force, but how can we see her like this? How can she see herself like this?
What morals will her kids learn from his useless, bastard father?
I only shiver thinking about all this.
I will try to persuade her to stand up for herself.
Because if she does nothing her little daughters will go the same way and then too she wont be able to do anything.

Pray dear friends that she is all right, and stands up for herself.

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